One of the less-fun things about getting older is that things don’t work the way they used to. For example, testosterone levels in men typically begin to decrease around the age of 40. Though some age-related decline is expected, other causes can lead to a condition called low testosterone or Low T. A lack of testosterone can have serious, long-term effects on the body and overall health. One of the biggest dangers of low testosterone is ignoring the signs and not getting treatment.

Low T Basics
The testosterone hormone provides different functions during a man’s life. It helps the sex organs form and helps a boy physically develop into a man. It builds muscles, strengthens bones, and is an integral part of a man’s sexual function later. After 40, lower levels are expected as a result of aging. However,, men will begin to experience Low T symptoms when it drops drastically. Low sex drive is the most common symptom, but men can also experience:
- Difficulty with erection
- Low volume of semen
- Hair loss
- Fatigue
- Loss of muscle mass
- Mood changes
Low T can be a result of various factors. Some genetic, autoimmune, and pituitary gland diseases cause a deficiency. Injury or removal of the testicles and infections are other causes. Low T has also been linked to obesity, metabolic syndrome, and the use of certain medications.
Why you Should Make an Appointment
Not all men need treatment for Low T, but every man experiencing symptoms should be checked out by their doctor. Remember, deficiency can be the result of an underlying health condition or medication side effect. Getting an evaluation by your doctor can help treat the cause and improve symptoms. Testosterone therapy (TT) is the typical route if treatment is necessary, and most men report improvement almost immediately.
Without treatment, men with low testosterone continue to experience the negative emotional and relationship impacts of this condition. Health-wise, lower bone density can lead to osteoporosis and raise your risks of bone injury. Growing research also links Low T to a higher risk of death from heart disease and other conditions.

Potential new options for treatment are currently being evaluated in clinical research studies. Research studies help expand and improve options for medical conditions like Low T. Volunteers participating in research studies make these advancements possible. If you have low testosterone, Charlottesville Medical Research is seeking participants to join enrolling studies. To learn more, call (434) 817-2442 or visit our website.