Migraines progress through distinct phases occurring before an attack, during, and after. Understanding each stage can help you better manage your condition. The prodrome stage occurs before an attack, and symptoms like fatigue and blurry vision are often warning signs for an attack. Predicting a migraine means recognizing these early symptoms in your attacks. From there, you can take actions that make it possible to stop your migraine from progressing.
Migraine Phase Quick Facts
- Prodrome:
- Your body gives you signs of an upcoming migraine
- Lasting hours or days
- Aura:
- Visual disturbancessuch as light sensitivity, flashing or shimmery lights, or blind spots.
- Lasting form 5 minutes up to an hour
- Headache:
- The pain phase
- Lasting from 4 to 72 hours
- Postdrome:
- Occurs after the migraine is gone and is referred to as the “migraine hangover”
- Lasting from 1 to 2 days
Prodrome, the “Pre-Headache.”
Not everyone will experience all four phases, and symptoms can vary with each migraine. The Prodrome phase is crucial because it often signals the start of an episode. Symptoms vary from person to person but can include:
- Changes in mood
- Difficulty focusing
- Fatigue
- Sensitivity to light and sound
- Insomnia
- Nausea
- Yawning
- Cravings for certain foods
- Frequent urination

During this phase, you can take actions that may lessen the severity or prevent the progression to a headache. A few examples include taking abortive type migraine medication, avoiding known triggers, and practicing relaxation techniques. Keeping a migraine diary to record changes in behaviors and the symptoms leading up to, during, and after a migraine is an essential management tool. Not only can it aid in the identification of prodrome symptoms but also help you determine if different factors may be triggering your migraines. Several migraine apps are also available for minimal or no cost.
Researching Relentlessly to Improve the Lives of Migraine Patients

More than 36 million Americans suffer from migraines, thus creating the need for different ways to manage this disabling condition. Research is vital to improving patient support and advocacy along with advancing options for patients. If you suffer from migraines, participating in clinical research studies may be an option. Research volunteers make advancement possible. To learn more about enrolling migraine studies at Charlottesville Medical Research, call us at (434) 817-2442, or visit our website.