Now Enrolling a Booster COVID-19 Vaccine and Pneumococcal Vaccine Clinical Study
Are you 50 or older? Did you already get 2 doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine? You may qualify.
Pneumococcal vaccines and COVID-19 vaccines are routinely given at different visits. This clinical study is to learn if pneumococcal vaccines, which help protect against illnesses from pneumococcal bacteria, work well when given at the same visit as a COVID-19 vaccine.
COVID-19 vaccines help protect from infection and, importantly, from serious illness if an infection does occur. Booster vaccinations may be needed to preserve immunity in certain age groups or populations.
Pneumococcal disease is the top cause of bacterial pneumonia. It can also cause invasive disease, which can be severe. Pneumococcal vaccines help protect against serious forms of pneumococcal disease.
You may qualify for this study if you:
- Are age 50 or older
- Got 2 doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at least 6 months ago
- Have not had:
- COVID-19 disease
- A booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine (i.e., 3 doses)
- A pneumococcal vaccine in the last year
Additional requirements apply.
If you qualify and agree to take part, you will get a booster of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine when you join the study. You will also get an approved pneumococcal vaccine during the study. You will be in the study for about 6 months and have 3 study visits and 3 phone contacts.
Study-related vaccines and procedures are provided at no cost to you or your insurance. You may receive reimbursement for each study visit to cover the costs of travel and expenses.